What you will need:
- Hygloss Paper Ornaments in Assorted Colors
- Hygloss Wiggle Eyes (any size but 15mm is used here)
- Crayons, Markers or Colored Pencils
- Glue Stick
- Pipe Cleaners
- Magic Marker (not shown)

Step 1
Gather orange-colored ornaments and set other colors aside.

Step 2
Draw on pumpkin line shapes, coloring in with different shades of orange to give the round paper more of a shape.
*Add green stem at top if desired

Step 3
If using paste-on wiggle eyes, apply glue of choice (here we use stick glue) and apply to shape. Press down firmly and allow to dry.

Step 4
Draw a smiley face for happy pumpkins, or decorate as you wish!

Step 5
To make the vines, I just gathered 6” cuttings of green pipe cleaner and coiled them around crayons like so.

Step 6
Pull coil off crayon and pull apart gently, repeating with a second pipe cleaner.

Step 7
Gently wrap ends of both pipe cleaners inside paper ornament punched hole, and gently bend into desired shape of vine.

And you’re all done!

These happy pumpkins can be used as DIY classroom accents, craft activities, home décor and more!