Secret Trinket Boxes

Secret Trinket Boxes

Children of all ages, even adults love little secret trinket boxes to store their jewelry, found objects and even notes. Trinket boxes can even store everyday bucket lists. Every time you open the lid of the box you may find something new to do.

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Examples of Things to Do

  • Try a new color today
  • Learn a new word
  • Explore a new place
  • Ride your bike
  • Paint a picture for a friend
  • Have some ice cream today

These are just some of the things that you can place inside your secret trinket box. But first we need to make one, so let's get started.....


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  1. Pick the foil paper colors you like to form a rainbow format. Our rainbow was magenta, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple. Then cut into 1/2 inch strips. Set aside.  FullSizeRender (17)
  2. Cut a 2 inch strip from the foil paper, color of choice, and glue to the base sides of the box. Cut off any extra.
  3. Start gluing the 1/2 inch strips to the top of the box lid in a uniform order. Glue in place and trim to fit box.
  4. Glue a plastic figurine to the top of the box lid, let dry.
  5. Coat the foil strips and figurine with glue and glitter.

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Now your secret trinket boxes are complete and ready to hold your favorite treasures, rings or bucket list ideas. This is such a fun project for all ages. Love to see what you create. Stay tuned for more fun projects from Hygloss Products. Don’t forget to follow us in Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest.

Happy Creating!!!

Making Silhouettes Fun!