Learning is Fun With Creativity Posters

Learning is Fun With Creativity Posters

Primary school children are some of the most energetic and enthusiastic students that you’ll see in the classroom. Their energy tends to allow for multiple distractions throughout the day, and that energy can be better focused on learning with the help of visual aids such as creativity posters, and by engaging them in playful interaction. This allows young minds to remain engaged while sticking to their lesson plans and helps the student make the connection that school is not only a place to learn but a place to have fun as well. This is especially true for students in Pre-K through Grade 3 and is a critical aspect of their learning environment.

Coloring is Critical
To A Child’s Development

First and foremost, coloring improves motor skills. Using a
crayon or color pencil aids in the growth of fine motor control and the tiny
muscles in the hands and wrists. These developments also help children develop
steady and accurate penmanship. Naturally, this also leads to a marked
improvement in a child’s ability to concentrate and their hand-eye coordination
improves a great deal.

ABC Posters


What is the first truly necessary thing children learn? The
alphabet, of course! Our ABC
is a 17x22 poster that is made from heavyweight paper. This is a
simplistic but effective exercise for young children to learn their ABC’s while
also enjoying the highly cultured, artistic pursuit of drawing with crayons.
The alphabet is the foundation of all other learning. Being able to read and
write is the most critical skill that allows children to learn other things. The
faster they get their ABC’s down the faster they can move on to other important
things they need to learn.

The Family Tree Poster

The Family Tree poster is a nice blank slate with a tree outline that lets children use the skills they learned from the ABC poster to express themselves a bit more freely. Children will memorize and explore their family tree and map it out so that they understand on a simple level how generations work. This is a lovely project for kids to get creative with when drawing the pictures of their family. Many parents love to see projects like this completed by their children, this one is definitely refrigerator material.

Get to know The

Lastly, our USA Map Poster is a great way to give your students a timeless and necessary geographical lesson about the United States. This is a wonderful exercise many teachers can implement into their plans: have a student color the map in as they please, but everyone uses one particular color for the state that they are from. For example, red can be used to signify which state a child was born in or their family has lived in before. When you gather them up and hang them on the walls, many students are overjoyed at finding out the variety of places their classmates have collectively come from. More importantly, students become familiar with the 50 states.

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committed to providing the best arts and crafts and educational supplies for teachers
and children alike. Our range of products is sure to keep classrooms busy for
many days to come. If you have any questions about our products, visit our contact page and we can
provide any information you need.

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