Math is one of those subjects that does not seem to be the highlight of many kids’ school curriculums. One of the most frequently asked questions that teachers get asked is: “How do I get my kids to learn math?” There are many fun ways that you can do this as a teacher or parent (the two are often synonymous) and we’ll list a few of those ideas in the following blog.

Count with Your Kids
at Home 

Incorporating basic math lessons into everyday life is a fun
and easy activity to help your child learn math. You can count by twos, threes,
and fours and make a game out of it! For example, if you are setting the table,
count the number of plates that you need to set on the table with your kids. If
you have a staircase, count the number of stairs forwards when they go up the
stairs, and backwards when they go down the stairs. To make a game out of
counting, try and see how many stop signs or stop light your child can count on
the drive to school. The more fun you make it, the easier it will be for your
child to learn.

Number Recognition

To communicate math on paper, your kid will have to recognize numbers for what they are, without having to count forwards. Playing hopscotch, using a number puzzle, or buying a number numeracy activity kit can all be fun ways to facilitate their love of math. Having access to a simple pocket chart with number flash cards can also be a great teaching tool to help with basic level math skill and number recognition.

When Will I Use This?

If your kid ever asks this question related to math, show
them! Try calculating coupon discounts, measuring ingredients for a recipe for
their favorite cake, or when comparing prices at your local grocery store. There
are a countless number of ways that we use basic math in our day-to-day lives,
so get creative! Counting the number of days in a month can also help your
child learn how many days are in each month! Every aspect of life can be a
learning activity if you want it to be.

Learn Geometry
Through Food

Shapes are a fundamental aspect of geometry and we use these complex shapes every day. How do you calculate the radius of a tire? How many sides does a stop sign have? You can try baking cookies with basic-shape cookie cutters such as Christmas trees, hearts, circles, squares, and hexagons. Point out shapes in the real world and see if they’ve been paying attention during your baking sessions.

For measuring recipes, ask your child how many cups of milk it may take to fill up a cereal bowl. The more complex the question, the more it may encourage your child to think critically: “how long do you think it will take the faucet to fill up the gallon jug?” This can be a great refresher for you as well if you’ve forgotten how many quarts are in a gallon!

Buy Fun Math Learning

Hygloss Products has many products that can help facilitate
fun! Learning math doesn’t have to be a drag when you have alpha-dough
and number building cards
or fun
math fish
! These fish will brighten up the classroom or your house with
colorful, vibrant accents. Classroom decorations will also help create an
environment that will foster fun and creative learning. For all of our math
learning tools, click

Buy Arts and Crafts
Supplies Online

Hygloss Products is a leader in arts and crafts supplies and educational materials for the classroom. Our products can help your child master early math skills and love the complexity and intricacies of numbers. We carry original activities, books, classroom decorations, classroom supplies, and more! Math doesn’t have to be a chore when you decide to use Hygloss Products.

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