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Why Arts and Crafts Are Still The Best Classroom Activity

Why Arts and Crafts Are Still The Best Classroom Activity

In our technologically advanced times, there has been an increase in gadgets and computer-based learning in the classroom. This isn’t a bad thing, as time moves on what is considered normal changes. While most of us grew up with the old fashioned pen and paper methods of learning, increasingly interactive computer-based learning is being used in the classroom. Children as young as 3 or 4 are experts at the swiping and tapping we’ve all become so accustomed to on phones and tablet devices. Still, there’s a case to be made for traditional methods of fun learning activities, activities such as arts and crafts. Here is that case.

Arts and Crafts are Relatively Inexpensive

If you’re a teacher, you must be intimately familiar with the reality of many schools having budget cuts. This trickles all the way down to the classroom in which many teachers have to make do with limited supplies and even less room to splurge on fun things for children to do.

This is a real tragedy because education and fun are always best done together in order to foster a love for learning and a high level of engagement from students of all ages. Fortunately, arts and crafts supplies are one of the cheapest things you can buy in bulk and utilize more than once in a classroom—which brings us to our next point…

Arts and Crafts Supplies are Versatile

The best part about purchasing craft supplies is that there is a large variety of things you can do with these supplies. Arts and crafts are one of the few things that children can enjoy as a directed activity with a goal (make something in specific), or it can be something freeform. Give each child a certain amount of each item and see what different things they come up with!

This is also another reason why arts and crafts supplies are extremely budget-friendly, you can buy them in bulk and no matter what they will never go to waste. There’s always a use for extremely popular and classic items such as construction paper, yarn, paints, velour paper,  etc.

You Can Foster Learning and Creativity

Classrooms are a place of learning, but they’re also a place where children (and teens) spend a majority of their time each day, each week. Just like the advice offered to many adults about feeling positive about work, children should feel excited or at the very least interested in going to school.

If school was nothing but rote learning and drudgery (as it once was long ago before educational reforms), children would not learn as much as they could. Our knowledge of pedagogy (the method and concept of teaching) is ever-evolving, and the direction it is involving leans strongly on the idea that engagement is incredibly important for learning. Not every child has the same interests, personality, and level of focus on abstract thinking and learning—nor should they.

However, let a child learn and explore from time to time on their own and you’ll help them foster lifelong habits of creative and intellectual exploration that will always benefit them. It’s not as lofty as it sounds, it’s all matter of that simple idea of fun. No matter the child, almost every child will learn better if they’re having fun doing it in a positive environment.

Buy Craft Supplies Online

Hygloss Products is one of the nation’s most esteemed provider of educational supplies and arts and crafts. Beginning as a specialty paper supplier for educational stores in 1950, Hygloss has grown tremendously provide over 2000 products. We’re happy to say we can be found in many educational supply stores as well as many classrooms all over the country! It is our mission to bring joy to children and quality supplies to teachers and parents.

Contact  us today at  973-458-1700

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Which Craft Paper Should You Use?