New Years Time Capsules

New Years Time Capsules

New Years Eve Time Capsules! Inspired from a year of travel and joy. These time capsules can hold special mementos from the year, small items from a birthday, event or vacation. You could even turn them into small travel globes inspired by your travel bucket list. Our time capsules were made from left over plastic party wine glasses, toy animals, Hygloss foil paper, card stock, glitter, and sequins. Plus starfish, twine, moss, lettering and craft glue.

Lets get started to make a few today.


Step One

Use the lid of a jar to trace a circle shape onto Hygloss paper. The cut out, set aside. We used a tomato sauce jar lid and Bright Paper Sheets from Hygloss.

Step Two

Begin building your time capsule scene onto the cut paper circle. Glue everything onto this circle shape leaving a 1/2 inch border. This is so you can place the wine glass or drinking glass base over it. We choose to do a travel time capsule from our travel bucket list to Australia. Ours was created with a toy kangaroo, moss, starfish, bakery twine, tiny tree and Hygloss Felt for the hat and Hygloss Silver Foil Star Sticker. 

Step Three

Once you built your scene, glue the lid onto the paper circle base using craft glue, let dry. We used 3 in 1 glue to hold ours in place.
Step Four

After the glue is dried, add lettering, glitter covered wood or foam shapes or sentiments.

Make a ton of these for NYE party favors. Start a New Years tradition with these or make after every family vacation. If you don't have any plastic wine glasses on hand, you could use plastic drinking cups. Ours came from the local dollar store. Try painting and glittering your toy animals or miniatures for more fun. Decorative Scissors or pinking sheers give a decorative edge to the paper circle base.

Another great idea would be to create handmade noise makers. Just fill these with sequins, plastic and wood beads from Hygloss, then glue to a base. Voila instant NYE noise makers.

So many possibilities. Come back often for more fun ideas!
